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Jesus is the beginning and the end,forget you are on a website,look at your life from your beginning are you the one God wants you to be.A...


To be with GOD,some say it is hard.some says it boring,but do you know that when you are with God,nothing  is impossible for God to do .so always believe in God and let him use you.God have given you the previledge to live,to sleep and wake up do you think it by ur strenght?NO,its God who has given you the ability to live,so i will say that if you are still alive,God is still waiting for you,but the day you die ,God has given up on you.


WHAT IS YOUR MAIN PURPOSE IN LIFE?some time I ask my self what is my main purpose in life but at a particular time I got answer to my question.i have gotten answer to mine about yours?Jesus said that he knows His purpose in life because if you don't know your purpose then you are useless to everyone even to God.so I advice you to know and fufil your purpose in life.


Through out your life time have you witness what they call suffering?if no,you will never experience it,but if yes, you will never experience it again.reason for this is that never limit God,when you give God the chance to rule in your live,you never limit is power in your life,you will never be harmed,you will know the sweetness of life.Bethren let God power flowin your destiny.


Who is God?He is the everlasting father,prince of peace,father of all nations,jehoval shalom,God our provider,king of kings,that I'd God name and which no one can ever change.


Do we obey God,ask yourself that question,we all want our children to obey us,are we really doing the same to God.If we are in need we call on him but the main question is that DO YOU REALLY OBEY GOD?if yes continue obeying God but if NO please repent,The foolishness of God is more wise than man and the wisdom of God is man foolishness.CHANGE, IT NOT TO LATE GIVE YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST.sex,money,and etc,they are not life they are common valuable wants which God which I serve can provide for you.God is love and when there's is Love there is God existence.


God love for man started from the creation of the world.Man was the only creature God created in His own image. When He created man, He gave man domination over all things. God,in His deep love for man,sent His only begotten son JESUS CHRIST into the world to die  and shed his blood to save man from sin and man to gain external life.BE YOURSELF WHT ROCK MY BOAT MAY SINK YOURS,never compare yourself with somebody.


This world is sinful but children of God are pour,life is simple but because of money life is difficult.No one can resist the devil,in the bible God said run away from sin but fight the devil.The love of money is the root of evil.Live need money to survive but too much of money is bad,all things in this world as disadvantages


Education is important so as God,education sustains us but God guide us,education makes become somebody in life but God makes us prosper, life is useless without God and education and God is our teacher because His the best teacher,no one is capable of teaching like God.I want us to be familiar and accept God as our father,so as education is important,prayer without no work is useless so as work without no prayer is also useless.Jesus Himself study alot,and he is the mighty God, father of all nation,so who are we then not to study?
PERSECUTION is an act of molesting a person or a group of people.It involves harassment,intimidation,oppression,incarceration and physical assault which may lead to the death of the victims.All this thing listed above is what some people get when they bring shame to their family,is this the best thing to do for those who bring shame to their family?NO,because Jesus never disgrace us when we disobey him he only punish us for our sin,what GOD can do no man can do that.


Jesus is the beginning and the end,forget you are on a website,look at your life from your beginning are you the one God wants you to be.Are you better than those suffering?NO,we all think that money is the most Important in this world,we only use money to feed,dont worship money as your God.Can any of us do what Jesus
did sacrifice your life because of some people.Are you better than this people.


God is mighty,He is able to save you from any problem(s),let me give you an example,my live history.ONCE UPON A TIME,I was a child living a useless and worthless life without God,not knowing God has a big thing in store for me I was unable to see the talent God gave me,my life was stupid life even my parent regret giving birth to me,I did so many things like watching my teacher bombom when teaching,But when God came into my life I was known for who I am,God is wanting you to admit your sin he will change your life.